Sunday, November 05, 2006

Malawi Project News

African Angels, our partner in Malawi, is providing agricultural training for youth orphanned by AIDS who need to support themselves and their younger brothers and sisters. This year is a pilot project, inspired by the success of one enterprising orphanned secondary school graduate who is finishing his second year as a successful market gardener. His example is inspiring others in his situation.

AAA Victoria and Seeds for Malawi (our Saltspring sister group) provide school fees for orphans until the end of secondary school. The fees are $200 per year per student. This covers uniforms, books and exam fees. AAA Victoria is supporting 30 students this year.

Family fragments affected by AIDS, (i.e. grandmothers, orphanned adolescents), receive support for growing maize and vegetables. $30 buys fertilizer and $20 buy seed for one crop year. AAA Victoria is supporting 30 family groups for seeds and fertilizer.

AAA also provides nutritional hospice support for those no longer able to grow a crop for themselves. $150 will provide a year's worth of food one individual.

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