Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Updates from South Africa

These are summaries of reports received from South Africa where Angels funds go to St. Mary's Hospital's Born to Live program, and the Tembalethu Orphanage.
1. Progress report on St. Mary's Hospital Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission (PMTCT)
"The overall aim of our programme is to prevent and reduce the transmission of HIV from the mother to the unborn baby, ensure that all pregnant mothers know their HIV status before they deliver, and that all exposed babies are fully immunised up to 18 months.
An African Union Commission plan to reduce maternal mortality throughout Africa includes a focus on best practices. During the launch of the South African component of the initiative in KwaZulu Natal province, St. Mary's Hospital was honoured to be requested to showcase its outstanding performance regarding Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission. This is a testament to the hospital's ongoing commitment towards the reduction of mother to child transmission of HIV.
Currently donations including yours are allocated to operational costs of maintaining the high standard of performance in this prevention programme. We are ever grateful for the support received to be able to deliver such a comprehensive, high calibre programme to our beneficiaries."
African AIDS Angels donated $13,477 to the program this year.
2. Thembalethu Orphanage
"The children and the sisters are doing well. With some of the money received, we sent a sister to attend the trainer's course on 'HIV/AIDS and the care of Orphans and Vulnerable Children' so she can help train our caregivers on the same.
We continue to pay for an after-school teacher who does tremendous work helping the older children who may have never been to school, and in turn they can help the younger children.
Some of the money we are saving for the building of a cottage in order to improve the living accommodation for the children.
[A hospital formerly operating on the site was moved 20 kilometres away in the late 90s. The sisters recognized the pressing need to assist HIV/AIDS orphans and used the old wards to accommodate the children. In 2005 the government legislated nationwide that children should be housed in cottages of no more than 6 with a housemother in a more homely environment.]
"We have a plan and a builder but we are short of funds. Each cottage costs about $8400 and we need to build six of them. If we can build a cottage with the money from African AIDS Angels, we will ask you to name the cottage. We hope with the help from you together we can do it."
Sr. Andrea
African AIDS Angels donated $10,600 this year: $7614 to the orphanage, and $2985 for an outreach program.

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